Evaluation of Borsa İstanbul Technology Index (XUTEK) Companies by Altman Z-Score Analysis
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Keywords: XUTEK, Performance Analysis, Financial Analysis, Altman Z-Score, Technology CompaniesAbstract
The aim of the study is to analyze the financial failure and bankruptcy risk of technology companies traded in Borsa Istanbul XUTEK index with Altman Z-Score. Technology firms carry intense risks in terms of initial investments and R&D processes. The sector in which technology companies are located is an active sector where rapid transformations occur and fast actions are required. The study was carried out on 16 technology companies traded within the BIST XUTEK index. With Altman Z-Skor, the results obtained by using the 2019 balance sheet data of 16 technology companies were evaluated to measure the risk of future financial failure and bankruptcy. Altman Z-Score model developed for non-manufacturing and service sectors was used, and BIST 2019 share value changes were also examined. Among the companies subject to the study, only Indes company remained in the gray region, while the Z-score score of other shares was determined as 2.6 financial successes.
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