Personality Development from Jung's Perspective

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Jung, personality, typology, analytical psychology, introvert, extrovert


The aim of this review article is to explain personality development from Carl Gustav Jung's perspective. Theories about personality development date back to Hippocrates. Personality is defined as the characteristics that come with the birth of an individual and distinguish him from others. Jung, who read Freud's book The Interpretation of Dreams in 1903, was greatly influenced by Freud. However, since Freud's theory was based on sexuality, it did not coincide with Jung's thoughts. With this difference of opinion, he officially parted ways with Freud in 1914 and continued his studies under the title of analytical psychology. Jung, who discusses human life in two basic parts: integration and individualization, explains that consciousness, personal unconscious and collective unconscious are the parts that make up the human soul. While drawing attention to the effect of typology, Jung defined personality as extrovert and introvert. However, he talks about four functional personality types and explains that they can be either introvert or extrovert. Accordingly, Jung, who combined two attitudes and four functions, explained eight psychological types.


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How to Cite

ERBEKİR, B., & KARAAZİZ, M. (2024). Personality Development from Jung’s Perspective. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 8(2), 153–161.




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