Examination Of The Relationship Between Earthquake Anxiety, Anxiety, Stress And Depression In Turkey From The Perspective Of Psycological Flexibility

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Anxiety, Earthquake, Depression, Psychological Flexibility, Stress


Earthquakes deeply affect many countries worldwide. As a result of the destructive earthquakes experienced in Turkey, many people have suffered both materially and spiritually. Earthquake anxiety arises as a result of the destructive earthquakes experienced. Our country has experienced many destructive earthquakes. Especially the earthquakes on February 6 2023 have led to an increase in earthquake anxiety in individuals. The purpose of this study is to examine earthquake anxiety, anxiety,stress  and depression that occur after major earthquakes in Turkey from the perspective of psychological flexibility. The study was conducted using the relational research method, which is one of the quantitative research methods. The population of the study consisted of adults aged 18 and over living in Turkey. The sample was created using the unknown sample method and consisted of 500 Turkish-speaking individuals aged 18 and over. The data for this study were collected using an informed consent form, a sociodemographic information form, the Psychological Flexibility Scale, and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21. According to the results of the research, it has been found that anxiety,stress,depresion scale and earthquske anxiety scores statistically significantly and negatively predicted psychological flexibility scores. Based on these results, it is thought that as the level of psychological flexibility increases, depression, anxiety,stress and earthquake anxiety will decrease, and as psychological flexibility decreases, depression, anxiety, stress and earthquake anxiety may increase. Based on these findings, when initiatives aimed at increasing psychological flexibility are taken and awareness of psychological flexibility is raised in society, reductions in levels of depression, anxiety,stress and earthquake anxiety can be observed.


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How to Cite

KARAKIŞ, S., & KARAAZİZ, M. (2024). Examination Of The Relationship Between Earthquake Anxiety, Anxiety, Stress And Depression In Turkey From The Perspective Of Psycological Flexibility. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 8(2), 131–144. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12511620




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