Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Social Anxiety Disorder: A Case Report

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social anxiety disorder, cognitive behavioral therapy, anxiety


The study was carried out considering the DSM-V diagnostic criteria. The client showing symptoms is 23 years old and female. Interviews with the client were conducted according to the cognitive behavioral therapy approach. The client stated that he does not feel comfortable in crowded places, he thinks that everyone is looking at him, and that he experiences difficulties in his daily life. She said that she feels a lot of anxiety in the classroom environment, crowded places and public transportation. She stated that she experienced palm and back sweating, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, tremors and high anxiety in these environments. She realized that she was trying to live a limited life, away from crowded places and people. The client applied for treatment at his own request. The client was first given psychoeducation about CBT. Then, information was given about social anxiety disorder. Information was given about what social anxiety disorder is, how it occurs, and coping techniques. An attempt was made to establish a therapeutic relationship with the client. A total of 5 interviews were held with the client. The duration of each meeting is 50 minutes. The interviews were conducted in collaboration with the client. Throughout the psychotherapy process, cognitive and behavioral methods appropriate to the client were used. As a result of the interviews with the client, it was observed that cognitive behavioral therapy applications significantly reduced the symptoms of social anxiety disorder. For this reason, CBT is an effective method in the treatment of social anxiety disorder.


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How to Cite

GÖK, Çiğdem, & KARAAZİZ, M. (2024). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Social Anxiety Disorder: A Case Report. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 8(2), 162–170.




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