Addressing Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Case Report

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Anxiety, Social phobia, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


In this study, our 27-year-old client with social phobia was treated according to the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for social anxiety disorder social phobia, according to cognitive behavioral therapy sessions were conducted. Our client has been experiencing intense anxiety that has been going on for the last 1.5 years; showing certain physical symptoms in the community (such as restlessness, sweating, tremors) and intense anxiety. He keeps silent against the injustice done, says that his anxiety increases along with the symptoms of being restless from being in society, staying away from social environments. The complaints of our client meet the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. He wanted to get support by saying that being uncomfortable with this situation affects his work life and private life too much. Our client was given the necessary information at the first interview, psychoeducation was given about what a social phobia is, and the sessions continued. Our client was told about the progress process of what the school of cognitive behavioral therapy is. According to the cognitive behavioral therapy method, the following sessions, homework assignments and techniques were supported and the negative beliefs he formed in cognition were discussed. The negative basic beliefs we talked about were dealt with according to the school and the coping attitude increased every day, changes in the anxiety level were observed with a positive impression every session with the given techniques.


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How to Cite

AKKOÇ, N., & KARAAZİZ, M. (2024). Addressing Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Case Report. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 8(2), 179–186.




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