Tax Culture: Simplified Trust Regime (RESICO) Against the Tax Incorporation Regime (RIF)

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Tax Culture, Tax Culture, Tax Regime, Taxpayer


Objective: Through the analysis carried out, to be able to demonstrate which of the regimes presented, which are: the Tax Incorporation Regime (RIF) and the Simplified Trust Regime (RESICO), are the best option for new taxpayers and the benefits that each of these regimes offers them.

Material and method: For the realization of the present research, it was done through a qualitative methodology, which would allow to describe in a more detailed way, the differentiation of the 2 regimes presented as well as to see which of these, is the best option for the taxpayers, since the design of the research will be carried out based on a case study, applying various tools to meet the objective of this research.

Results: The information presented helped determine the tax culture that taxpayers have as well as the knowledge they have about the way in which they contribute through taxes, in this work the calculation of income tax was used, which is taxed on any income that generates greater wealth to the taxpayer, this calculation was made between the RESICO and RIF regimes, in order to identify which of these is the best option for taxpayers.

Conclusions: The lack of culture in tax terms that taxpayers have, causes a lack of knowledge about the existing regimes, such is the case of the RIF which they fail to fully understand what it means that they must opt for the RESICO regime since it provides them with various facilities for the proper fulfillment of their tax obligations.


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How to Cite

HERNÁNDEZ DE LA CRUZ , N. G. H. D. L. C., & CASANOVA RIVERA, J. A. (2022). Tax Culture: Simplified Trust Regime (RESICO) Against the Tax Incorporation Regime (RIF). ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 6(1), 124–138.


