Analysis of the Labor Relationship State-Worker in Tabasco in the Last 10 Years

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Worker, Justice, Employment Relationship


The present research collects and analyzes critically the laws and norms that govern the relationship between the state-worker of Tabasco, with this it is analyzed how or to what extent the right of the worker is respected with respect to what is already stipulated, it is appreciated that there are many inconsistencies in front of what the law writes and what is fulfilled in reality. With this, you can denote the reality of the state's justice system since there are a series of breaches for different reasons ranging from sexual orientation to age. With this research, we give a deeper recognition of the flaws that exist within the state system.


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How to Cite

LÓPEZ ASUNCIÓN, V. (2022). Analysis of the Labor Relationship State-Worker in Tabasco in the Last 10 Years. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 6(2), 151–166.


