The Effect of Web-Assisted English Teaching, Based on Using Habits of Mind, on the Attitudes and Academic Achievements of 9th and 10th Grade Students
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Habits of mind, English Language Teaching, Foreign Language Instruction, Web-assisted TeachingAbstract
The purpose of this study is to measure the effect of Web-assisted teaching, based on using Habits of Mind, which designed for 9th and 10th grade English lesson on students’ attitudes and academic success. The research has been carried out with quantitative method and repeated measures analysis. Participants are 36 students who are studying at Hasan Celal Güzel Anatolian Imam Hatip High School in Çankaya, Ankara. Both before and after the study, an attitude scale towards English lesson and an achievement test were applied to the students. It has been examined whether a significancy exists or not between the means acquired from the tests. In the data analysis, descriptive statics and paired sample t-test have been made by SPSS 15 programme. According to the Attitude Scale results, there is a positive increasing and a significancy between the mean of pre-test and the post-test. Also there is a significancy between the mean of academic achievement tests. Consequently, it could be said that web-assisted English teaching has been made positive impacts on the students’ attitudes toward English lesson and also improved their academic success significantly.
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