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  • Ләйсән Рәдиф кызы Надыршина филология фәннәре кандидаты Татарстан Республикасы Фәннәр академиясе Г.Ибраһимов исемендәге Тел, әдәбият һәм сәнгать институты



Sibgat Hakim, Tatar literature, poetry, poetry, theme, Great Patriotic War.


The article analyzes the coverage of the war in the poems and poems of Sibgat Hakim, a Tatar folk poet and winner of the G.Tukai State Prize. The poet's works on the subject of war are primarily based on personal memories and experiences, because S. Hakim is a person who took part in the war. In his front poetry, the motives of missing the homeland, parting, and the hope for the future play a central role. These motives are subordinated to the disclosure of ordinary soldier’s experiences, psychological state, and world of mood. The theme of war also occupies a prominent place in the poet's poems and poems created after the 1950s. In these works, the lyrical hero who misses his youth comes to the fore, and the motive of memory comes from the leaders. S. Hakim freely addresses the theme of war in his works created in the genre of poetry. In his poems such as “The Gardeners” and “The Arc,” the tragedy of war is revealed through the depiction of the fate of individuals.

Author Biography

Ләйсән Рәдиф кызы Надыршина, филология фәннәре кандидаты Татарстан Республикасы Фәннәр академиясе Г.Ибраһимов исемендәге Тел, әдәбият һәм сәнгать институты

The article analyzes the coverage of the war in the poems and poems of Sibgat Hakim, a Tatar folk poet and winner of the G.Tukai State Prize. The poet's works on the subject of war are primarily based on personal memories and experiences, because S. Hakim is a person who took part in the war. In his front poetry, the motives of missing the homeland, parting, and the hope for the future play a central role. These motives are subordinated to the disclosure of ordinary soldier’s experiences, psychological state, and world of mood. The theme of war also occupies a prominent place in the poet's poems and poems created after the 1950s. In these works, the lyrical hero who misses his youth comes to the fore, and the motive of memory comes from the leaders. S. Hakim freely addresses the theme of war in his works created in the genre of poetry. In his poems such as “The Gardeners” and “The Arc,” the tragedy of war is revealed through the depiction of the fate of individuals.


Давыдов Ә. Безнең яңа танышларыбыз // Совет әдәбияты. – 1953. – №5. – Б. 125.

Хәким С. Сайланма әсәрләр: ике томда. – Казан: Татар. Кит. нәшр., 1986. – 2 т.: Шигырьләр, поэмалар. – 407 б.

Юзиев Н. Сугыштан соңгы татар совет поэзиясе. 1945–1955. – Казан: Татар. кит. нәшр., 1971. – Б. 19.



How to Cite

Ләйсән Рәдиф кызы Надыршина. (2019). THE THEME OF WAR IN SIBGAT HAKIM’S POETRY. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 3(2), 51–57.




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