Twin Deficit, Turkey, ARDL, Toda-YamamotoAbstract
The main aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the budget and the current account deficit in Turkey's economy. The relationship between the two criteria is examined with quarterly data between 2005 and 2005. Stability levels of the variables used in the study are determined by the ADF, PP and KPSS unit root tests. The cointegration relationship between the series is believed using the ARDL boundary test. Finally, the existence and direction of causality between variables are determined by the Toda-Yamamoto causality test. The empirical findings give rise to suspicion that variables may be stationary at different levels. The ARDL boundary test results show that the series move together in the long run. There is also a one-way causality relation to the current account deficit in the long run for the budget. These results prove the validity of Keynesian theory in the respective period in Turkey.
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