Social and Emotional Competence of School Leaders: a Scoping Review

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  • Judicaël ALLADATIN Mohammed VI Polytechnique University
  • Appoline FONTON Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
  • Juste MEHOU Siabanni, Parakou, Benin



Social and Emotional Learning, Scoping-Review, Socio-Emotional Competencies, School Leader


Socio-emotional skills are now being increasingly recognized as important contributors to the effectiveness of educational systems and programs. This has been demonstrated in various studies regarding the nurturing of teachers' social and emotional learning (SEL) skills, that yield the same result: the crucial importance of improving students' academic performance and their socio-emotional skills. This study examined research addressing the effects of SEL development in  the school setting. It found that teachers have been the only target beneficiaries of SEL development work to date, leaving school leaders (principals) out of the picture. As the latter represent the bridge between the people outside and those inside the schools, targeting school principals for training in socio-emotional competencies (SEC) appears very urgent for more impactful results in the learning and socio-emotional development of teachers and students.

Furthermore, developing the SEC of principals will also allow them to curb emotional overload and flourish   in their professional career development as well as beyond the school setting and inside their households.



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How to Cite

ALLADATIN, J., FONTON , A., & MEHOU, J. (2022). Social and Emotional Competence of School Leaders: a Scoping Review . ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 6(1), 27–34.


