Virtual Reality Applications in Improving Health and Safety Performance in Workplaces: Literature review

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Virtual Reality, Occupational Health and Safety, Technology, Emergencies


Protecting the safety and health of employees is the goal of occupational health and safety. The use of technological developments to achieve this goal saves time, space and material, while also affecting the performance of employees at work. Virtual Reality (VR), which is among the new technologies, is one of the products of the Industry 4.0 revolution. It has already taken its place in our lives, from digital marketing to the tourism sector. In occupational health and safety, virtual reality applications have started to be one of the basic tools in determining the dangers and risks in the workplace. In this study, our aim is to identify opportunities with VR to eliminate current challenges for workers and workplaces and to make suggestions about the usability of virtual environments in future occupational health and safety. The research has been prepared on the basis of a literature review on which sectors VR is used and for what purpose in order to support the occupational health and safety procedures applied in the workplaces. It is aimed to integrate the results obtained in order to increase workplace and worker performance within the scope of occupational health and safety. It is believed that the study will be beneficial for OHS professionals and business owners on a sectoral basis.


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2023-03-25 — Updated on 2023-03-25


How to Cite

ARICAK, F. (2023). Virtual Reality Applications in Improving Health and Safety Performance in Workplaces: Literature review. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 7(1), 107–116.


