A Study On Brand Cities, The Example Of Tea and Rize Province

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Tea, Brand, City


Cities make various investments to become brands, to be recognized and to increase their income. Various studies are carried out to recognize your place in the world, improve the city's image, invite investors to the city, and increase tourism revenues. Tea has an important place in world trade. Research shows that tea is integrated with the Rize province. Although cities are similar to each other in terms of lifestyle and have common characteristics, they create some differences throughout the historical process. In this respect, there are various cultural differences even between districts in some of our neighboring provinces. City identity reaches a certain maturity over a long period of time. The expectations of residents and future guests should be met by developing appropriate communication strategies. Branding the city in a certain area or product is extremely important in terms of increasing the value, importance and attractiveness of that place. Branding is important for Rize to become a center of attraction by highlighting its unique values. Rize province has been known and known for its tea for years. In the studies conducted by researchers on Rize, the first thing that came to mind was tea. Rize has various different features other than tea. Rize's historical, cultural and natural riches, plateaus and endemic vegetation create advantages in terms of branding. In addition to focusing only on a single product in branding, it is important to put forward strategies for other strong characteristics of the city in terms of contribution. Document review method was used in the study. The aim of the study is to investigate the contribution of the tea plant, which is integrated and mentioned with the province of Rize, to the branding process. As a result, brand cities and their activities in our country were examined and how Rize could become a brand city with tea was investigated. It has been revealed that the city's potential for change and development can be highlighted with tea. In addition, it has been seen that natural and geographical beauties will contribute to the promotion of the city, but tea is the main element.


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How to Cite

TATOĞLU, M. (2024). A Study On Brand Cities, The Example Of Tea and Rize Province. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 8(1), 73–83. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10804513


