Unemployment Anxiety of University Students


Unemployment, Young Unemployment, Unemployment Anxiety, University StudentsAbstract
When an individual have the feeling that something bad will happen, concern or apprehension, the feeling he/she feels perceive of anxiety. In Turkey and the world unemployment which is one of the biggest problems causes unemployment anxiety in job seekers. In university senior students the thought of not being able to find a job after graduating and job uncertainty causes students to experience unemployment anxiety. The aim of this study is to determine whether university senior students experience unemployment anxiety and to investigate whether there is a difference between students' unemployment anxiety according to demographic characteristics. The study was applied to a total of 139 senior students at Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University Faculty of Art and Science. A survey was conducted to determine the unemployment anxiety level and demographic characteristics of students. The answers were entered into the SPSS package program and tried to test the research hypotheses. In the study, factor analysis, which is one of the multivariate statistical analyzes, was used to classify the variables. Independent samples t-test and one-way analysis of variance were used to examine the hypotheses of the study. To evaluate the differences at the sub-dimensions, the unemployment anxiety sub-dimensions were determined. It was determined that there is a difference in the unemployment anxiety dimensions according to the demographic characteristics of area, departments, gender, settlement areas and overall grade average.
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