The Relationship Between Household Income and Body Mass Index : Instrumental Variable Approach

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  • Banu Beyaz Sipahi Dr. Öğr. Üyesi, Tarsus Üniversitesi,



Body Mass Index (BMI), Household Income, Endogenity, Generalized Moments Method (GMM)


In Turkey increasig of Body Mass Index (BMI) has become a public health problem with the economic consequences. Many economic factors such as the individual's income level, real change in food prices, technological change and increase in physical activity cost affect the distribution of BMI. However, since the rapid increase in the prevalence of BMI recently affected productivity and income in the labor market, the relationship between BMI and income is considered to be two-way. For this reason, the biggest problem is the endogenity.The effect of income on BMI; it is explained that low income groups prefer low-energy and energy-intensive foods, while high income groups prefer  food consumption away of home by changing their consumption patterns. In this study, It is considered that relation between household income and BMI simultaneously with using TurkStat “2016 Health Survey Data’’. The effect of income and other socio-demographic variables on the BMI was analysed for the first time. However, since the indirect effect of BMI on income is important, this effect was examined with the Generalized Moments Method (GMM). In addition, it was demonstrated that the indirect effect of BMI distributions on income put forward with instrumental variables. As a result of the study, it was revealed that there is a causality relation between household income and BMI. It was found that the effect of BMI on income and the effect of education on BMI was statistically positive.


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How to Cite

Banu Beyaz Sipahi. (2020). The Relationship Between Household Income and Body Mass Index : Instrumental Variable Approach. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 4(2), 77–97.


