Opinions of Teachers and School Administrators on the Objective of "Restructuring the Professional Development of Teachers" in the 2023 Education Vision


2023 Education Vision, School Administrators, Teachers, Professional Development of TeachersAbstract
This research aims to examine the views of teachers and school administrators on the 2023 Education Vision in Turkey. The research was carried out with the participation of a total of 19 people, 9 school administrators, and 10 teachers, working in primary and secondary public schools in Istanbul in the 2020-2021 academic year. A case study, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. On the other hand, content analysis was used in the analysis of the data. As a data collection tool, a semi-structured interview form prepared by taking expert opinions was used. In the semi-structured interview form, teachers and school administrators were asked about their views on the objectives “Professional development of teachers will be supported at the graduate level”, “opening minor programs at the graduate level for teachers in the areas needed”, “In education faculties, teacher training programs will be especially restructured by focusing on teaching practice”, and “Teaching profession law will be introduced” that are included in the 2023 Education Vision of Turkey. As a result of an examination of the views of teachers and school administrators on the objective of “Professional development of teachers will be supported at the graduate level”, which is included in the 2023 Education Vision, two themes emerged as “Contribution to Professional Development” and “The Thought that Expectations Will Not Be Met”. As a result of an examination of the opinions of the teachers and school administrators on the objective of “Minor programs will be opened at the graduate level for teachers in the areas needed”, which is included in the 2023 Education Vision, three themes emerged as “Efficient Use of Human Resources”, “Professional Satisfaction”, and “Other Existing Problems”. As a result of an examination of the views of teachers and school administrators on the objective of “In education faculties, teacher training programs will be especially restructured by focusing on teaching practice” included in the 2023 Education Vision, one theme emerged as “Expectations for Implementation”. Finally, as a result of an examination of the opinions of the teachers and school administrators about the “Teaching profession law will be introduced”, which is included in the 2023 Education Vision, two themes emerged as “Social, Economic, and Personal Rights” and “Contribution and Participation of Education Stakeholders”. The views of teachers and school administrators were included to support each theme. As a result of the research, the opinions of teachers and school administrators on the 2023 Education Vision were evaluated by comparing them with the related studies, and various suggestions were made.
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“2023 Eğitim Vizyonu” Metni / “2023 Education Vision” Text
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