The Work Environment, Perception and Impact on Organizational Behavior

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Management, Organization, Company, Research, Organizational Climate


The following investigation focused on studying the organizational climate, the improvement of the work environment and the performance of the collaborators that exists in the shoemaker company of the Center of the city of Villahermosa, the type of study that was included for the development of information during The research carried out was an analysis in which the observation and the qualitative study could be appreciated, as well as the implementation of interviews with the collaborators to subsequently carry out an investigation of what was observed. Within the work environment, five variables are taken into account: size, organizational structure, complexity of systems, leadership pattern, and goal directions. It was considered that the structural approach is more objective because it is based on variables that are constant within the organization and defined by management. Another factor that is of the utmost importance for the organizational climate in a company is the consideration, that is, to what extent. The employee judges his superior's behavior to be supportive or emotionally distant.


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How to Cite

REYES MORALES, D., GARCÍA ÁLVAREZ , D. A. D., & MARTÍNEZ PRATS , G. (2022). The Work Environment, Perception and Impact on Organizational Behavior . ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 6(1), 115–123.




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