The Importance of Communicatıon Between Class Teachers and Students

Teacher, Student, Empathy, CommunicationAbstract
Communication is of great importance in education and training. The merger has tried to keep up with the new technology by undergoing various changes from the past to the present. It is necessary to know communication and its elements well. The basic principle in communication is based on mutual agreement and interaction. One of the issues that classroom teachers should also do is to transfer information to students by using communication correctly. One of the educational features aims to enrich students in terms of knowledge until they reach the desired level. Students are expected to be curious. Because it is important for students to be remarkable in order to do research on this subject. It is the duty of teachers to develop studies for students. The communication of the family with the student is also very important. It is important to give a message to the other person in communication. It helps people to convey their feelings and thoughts and develops empathy methods. In this way, by developing effective communication tools, students should be directed to more dynamic and investigative systems. The attitudes of teachers in the classroom should be examined within a certain program. It determines future goals by programming the examinations, behaviors and attitudes in a chart. Today, many various systems that are used outside of their effects have been developed, one of which is the distance education system. Thanks to these systems, it is aimed to develop teachers with the method of communication concepts. In this way, important results were obtained by examining the lessons from various and different aspects. In this way, it aimed to increase the efficiency of the student by making the necessary planning in the education system.
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