Evaluation Of Visual Perception And Motor Planning In Children With Mild And Moderate Mental Retardation From The Perspective Of Occupational Therapy


Visual Perception, Motor Skills, Occupational Therapy, Activities of Daily LivingAbstract
Mental retardation is a neurodevelopmental condition that starts during the developmental stages and causes inability to maintain independent life and adaptation problems in daily life due to cognitive retardation. In this study, the effects of visual perception and motor planning skills on the daily life of preschool children aged 5-7 years were investigated. A total of 60 individuals diagnosed with mental retardation, 30 with mild mental retardation and 30 with moderate mental retardation were included in the study. Frostig Developmental Visual Perception Test was used to measure visual perception skills; Posture Imitation Test, Verbal Command Praxis, Bilateral Motor Coordination Test, Balance Test during Standing and Walking Test were used to check motor planning skills; and Functionality Measurement for Children (WEEFIM) was used to evaluate as an occupational therapist. When the statistical results were analyzed, children with moderate mental retardation had lower results in all scores than children with mild mental retardation. Functioning measures in all children with MR were highly correlated with both visual perception and motor skills (p<0.01). In the regression model in which visual perception and motor skills are based on functionality, these skills explain 90.1% of the change in WEEFIM. In children with Mental Retardation, visual perception skills and motor planning skills can positively affect the child's functionality in daily life.
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