Investigation Of Attitudes Towards The Environment And Thrill-Seeking Of Participants In Outdoor Sports Activities

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Outdoor Sport, Environmental attitude, Sensation seeking


In recent years, environmental damage has begun to increase due to global climate change. Outdoor sports are among the areas that feel these effects the most. Because, nature offers many opportunities for sensation seeking. The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between the attitudes towards the environment and sensation seeking of participants in outdoor sports activities. The population of the research consisted of participants in outdoor activities in Turkey, and the sample consisted of a total of 298 outdoor sports athlete participants selected by random sampling method. Survey collection technique, one of the quantitative research methods, was used to collect data. Data collection tools, the Environmental Attitude Scale developed by Uzun and Sağlam (2006) with the Sensation Seeking Scale developed by Hoyle et al., (2002) and adapted into Turkish by Çelik and Turan (2016) were used. Statistical analyzes were obtained using the SPSS 22 package program. According to the findings; Significant differences were found according to gender, athlete license and educational status variables. A weak relationship emerged between environmental attitude and sensation seeking. Accordingly, the environmental attitudes and behaviors of those who go out into outdoor in search of excitement are not related. As a result, it was seen that the environmental attitudes of those participating in outdoor sports activities were high. In today's world where nature is being consumed rapidly, it is recommended that those who participate in outdoor sports pay attention to environmental cleanliness and protection of the environment.



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How to Cite

DEMİRYOL, M. B., & GÜRER, B. (2024). Investigation Of Attitudes Towards The Environment And Thrill-Seeking Of Participants In Outdoor Sports Activities. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 8(1), 118–128.


