Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: A Research on Banking Sector

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  • Sabeeha Azeez Hassan Yard. Doç. Dr., Irak University, Kerkük, sabehaazez2013@yahoo.com




Consumer, Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, Banking Sector


The perceived service quality by customers is very important for institutions’ operatation in the service sector. Today, businesses have many alternatives to meet customers' service needs. Therefore, businesses need to pay more attention to service quality and customer satisfaction. The banking sector is among the areas where this situation is felt most strongly. Banks need to constantly measure their service quality and customer satisfaction in order to serve their existing customers better and acquire new customers. Then, it is necessary to take measures according to these results. In this study, the relationship between the perceived service quality from Is Bankası and the customer satisfaction of 190 people with different demographic characteristics in Konya was measured and a positive relationship was found between these two variables.


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How to Cite

Hassan, S. A. (2020). Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: A Research on Banking Sector. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 4(2), 98–110. https://doi.org/10.46291/ISPECIJSSHvol4iss2pp98-110


