Literature-Media Relationship from The Invention of Writing to Transmedia

New Media, Social Media, Transmedia, Literature, Literature-Media RelationshipAbstract
The rapid population growth in our age and the development of technological opportunities in parallel with this situation in the same course affect most areas and bring up-to-date approaches. One of these areas is the media. The media is depicted in two ways as “classical”, in other words, traditional and “new”. The “new media” phenomenon put forward in the 1970s, especially when combined with today's technology, has caused various parameters such as consumption habits and communication elements to change in the context of society and people's lifestyles. New media has brought about changes in the areas in which it interacts with developing technology. Therefore, the changes and effects created by the new media in the field of literature have been examined in the study axis as well. The discourses and narratives of literature, especially the realization of them independently of time and space, have been realized with the spread of new media. When the relationship of literature with the media is examined, it can be said that it comes up with various reading options. Especially from the past to the present, it is observed that literary works are put into series and films. In other words, media tools bring literary works back to our agenda, and thanks to TV series and films, they enable these works to be read and current comments and discussions on the works are made. Although the tool is old, it can contribute to new readings with the development of newly produced content and traditional media. With the developing possibilities of technology, it has become even easier to access literary works through social media channels called new media. In the study, new media, elements of new media, the distinction between classical (traditional) media and emerging new media in the context of developing technology, the effects of literature and the relationship of literature to new media are discussed. When the literature review related to the field is carried out, it is observed that some steps have been taken with novel and story content analysis among the topics studied. Dec. Especially in the context of literature, critical-based studies are limited. This study, especially with the consideration of the new media environment in the context of literature, is expected to fill the gap that exists in terms of literature contribution. The importance of the research can also be evaluated within the scope of the interaction of literature with new media.
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İnternet Kaynakları
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Sözlü Kaynaklar
KK-1: Handan Acar Yıldız, İstanbul 1979, Marmara Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Gazetecilik Mezunu, Yazar. (Görüşme: 18.09.2022)
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