Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Case Report
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trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, cognitive behavioral therapyAbstract
The purpose of this case report is to see how cognitive behavioral therapy works in individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder is when a person experiences an event and for a long time after this event, anger, stress, fear of reoccurring, and that time constantly comes to mind. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a therapy method that helps people think about the events they have experienced more realistically, allow them to recognize their own thoughts and behaviors, and give healthier reactions. In this study, CBT therapy method was applied to a 23-year-old female client. The client stated that after the rape she experienced, nothing in her life was the same, so she wanted to get rid of the family home. During this period, the client went to a psychiatrist and started receiving medication. During our dream analysis sessions, we measured the emotions each time he talked about the event he experienced, took notes of his dreams and the emotions he felt, and talked about them. Our goal is to try to create change in automatic thoughts and core beliefs. As a result of this case report, it was observed that the CBT school was used in a healthy way in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder and reduced the symptoms.
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