Mathematical and Probabilistic Reasoning Relationship: A Correlational Analysis of the Cognitive Competencies of Seventh Grade Primary School Students

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Probabilistic Reasoning, Mathematical Reasoning, BİLSEM Students


One of the main tools for the development of thinking skills is mathematics. For this reason, mathematics contains a mental necessity to perform the act of thought. Mathematical reasoning; It is the process of reaching a logical conclusion by overcoming the limits of the act of thought, analyzing all aspects of the relevant event, problem or situation. In this context, the effectiveness of the cognitive analysis process is closely related to the reasoning used to evaluate the probability of occurrence of events. Thus, mathematical reasoning involves the ability to analyze complex situations and correctly interpret the results of those analyses. In this case, it develops the ability to cope with situations involving uncertainty. Because probabilistic reasoning; It requires careful, intuitive and critical thinking, a strong mathematical language skill, and the ability to make logical inferences. In this context, it is realized by using probabilistic and mathematical reasoning skills together to make more effective decisions. The main objective of the research is to examine the probabilistic and mathematical reasoning skill levels of primary school 7th grade Bilsem students and the relationship between skills. In the study, the correlational model with the relational survey model was used. In the 2023-2024 academic year, the seventh grade of primary education at the Science and Art Center in Osmaniye was carried out with 69 students. "Mathematical Reasoning Skill Level Determination Scale" and "Probabilistic Reasoning Skill Level Determination Scale" are the data collection tools of the research and are the tools developed with the information obtained from the literature sources and are authorized for use. Most of the students participating in the study were above the average level of probabilistic reasoning skills and mathematical reasoning skills, and a strong and statistically significant relationship between these two skills was determined as a result of the analysis.


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How to Cite

DEMİRDELEN, Z., & SARIYILDIRIM, G. (2024). Mathematical and Probabilistic Reasoning Relationship: A Correlational Analysis of the Cognitive Competencies of Seventh Grade Primary School Students. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 8(4), 11–26.


