The Relationship Between the Elderly Dependent Population, Healthcare Expenditures, and Domestic Debt in Turkey


Elderly Dependent Population, Healthcare Expenditures, Domestic Debt, ARDLAbstract
The elderly population, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, has taken a more significant place on the global agenda. The increase in the elderly population and the corresponding decline in the productive population have become a source of concern for national economies. This is due to the growing elderly population posing a significant burden in terms of healthcare and social security. The impact of this issue on Turkey is also a subject of interest, as the country experiences trends similar to those in the global economy. This study examines the relationship between the elderly dependent population, healthcare expenditures, and domestic debt in the Turkish economy for the 2000–2023 period. The domestic debt variable is used as a representation of the economic burden. While similar studies have been conducted in Turkey, no research has specifically examined the relationship between the elderly dependent population and domestic debt. The analysis of the data employs the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model, a commonly used method in time-series analysis. For stationarity testing, widely adopted unit root tests, such as the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test and the Dickey-Fuller GLS (DF-GLS) test, were applied. The findings reveal that, for the 2000–2023 period in Turkey, the elderly dependent population does not have a negative effect on domestic debt in either the short or long term. However, total healthcare expenditures have a positive effect on domestic debt in both the short and long term, indicating that increases in healthcare spending lead to a rise in domestic borrowing. Given the rising life expectancy in Turkey, it is suggested that employment opportunities be created for individuals aged 65 and above through public-private partnerships to enable this demographic to contribute economically. While this may not entirely eliminate the burden reflected in domestic debt, it could partially alleviate expenditures related to healthcare and social security.
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