The Effects of Eco-system Movement in Foreign Language Instruction

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  • Ekrem ERÖZ Sivas University of Science and Technology



eco-system approach, multilingual instruction, methods, English language teaching


Ecosystem approach to English Language instruction is based on the concept of language ecology. In this ever changing world nothing is static. After so many approaches, methods, views, and ideas, ecological approach has made its appearance on the ELT stage. The approach is new to many language teachers who equate it with teaching ecology through the foreign language teaching. This research study presents the origin of ecosystem approach, shows differences between ecological approach to foreign language teaching, presents situation of language ecology, and suggests the reasonable movements and methods in foreign language instruction.


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How to Cite

ERÖZ, E. (2024). The Effects of Eco-system Movement in Foreign Language Instruction. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 8(4), 189–193.


