Sustainable Development Awareness of Teacher Candidates Levels and Lifelong Learning Tendencies


Sustinable development, awareness level, lifelong learning, candidate teacherAbstract
In the changing and developing world, our needs are also changing day by day. Sustainable development awareness is an important factor that needs to be raised in order for our society to reach the level of welfare and for individuals to exist at a satisfactory level in social aspects and economically. At the same time, in line with these needs, it is aimed to be able to access information and to be life-long learners in order to keep up with the changing and developing era. The role of teachers in gaining such competencies is of great importance. Based on this, it was aimed to determine the relationship among teacher candidates by determining their sustainable development awareness levels and lifelong learning tendency levels according to various variables (gender, department). The study was carried out with 91 teacher candidates studying at the faculty of education in the 2021-2022 academic year of Sivas Cumhuriyet University determined by the purposive sampling method. The "Lifelong Learning Tendency Scale" developed by Gür Erdoğan and Arsal (2016) was used as a tool for collecting lifelong learning tendency data in the research. The “Sustainable Development Awareness Scale” (SUSP) developed by Demirbaş Öztürk (2011) was used as a means of collecting sustainable development awareness level data. The data were analyzed using a statistical program. The findings obtained as a result of the analysis revealed that the sustainable development awareness levels of the teacher candidates are above the median, there is no significant difference depending on gender, but there is a significant difference according to the department where they are educated. It was revealed that the level of lifelong learning tendencies is also above the median, there is a significant difference depending on the gender variable, and there is no significant difference according to the departments. Lastly, it was found that there was a positive relationship between the two scales.
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