Violations of the Constitutional Principles of the 2013 Energy Reform

Özet Görüntüleme: 75 / PDF İndirme: 112



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Energy Reform- Principles- Privatization- Pemex- CFE


This article aims to illustrate and highlight the violations of the constitutional principles that the Original Constituent of 1917 gave life to, making modifications to articles 25, 27 and 28 of the Constitution with the Energy Reform presented by Enrique Peña Nieto in 2013.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

MORALES BRITO, J. S., & CRUZ SALAYA , M. R. (2022). Violations of the Constitutional Principles of the 2013 Energy Reform. ISPEC Uluslararası Sosyal Ve Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi, 6(2), 179–193.


