At Teaching Mathematics of Candidates Opinions on the Use of Games

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Material, Game, Teaching With Games


The aim of this research is to determine the opinions of pre-service teachers about the use of games in mathematics teaching. The participants of this study are 8 third-year students studying at the Department of Elementary Mathematics Education of Amasya University. Preservice teachers designed various games by taking the elective courses "Teaching Mathematics with Games" and "Material Design in Mathematics Teaching" for 2 semesters. Pre-service teachers, who have a certain knowledge by taking these courses, had the opportunity to practice within the scope of the "Community Service Practices" course. At the end of the applications, the opinions of the pre-service teachers about the use of games in mathematics teaching were taken. In this study, case study method based on qualitative research approach was used. A semi-structured interview form consisting of 6 open-ended questions developed by the researcher was used as a data collection tool. questions have been asked. The analysis of the data obtained from the interview was made with content analysis, one of the qualitative data analysis techniques. As a result of the research, the preservice teachers expressed that the use of games in the mathematics learning processes creates a fun and productive teaching environment for the students.    


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How to Cite

ÇELEN, Y., & KURT, Z. (2023). At Teaching Mathematics of Candidates Opinions on the Use of Games. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 7(2), 387–397.


