Knowledge as a Public Good: A Research on Knowledge Sharing Of the Public Finance Scientists

Public Goods, Knowledge, Knowledge Sharing, ScientistsAbstract
Knowledge, thereby knowledge sharing is in tendency to increase by years across world. Especially, it can be said that due to spread over of the internet, reaching knowledge has become much easier compared to early 2000s. The fact that knowledge easily spread among individuals as it spreads in public has led to that it has been mentioned in debates about publicity in public finance literature. In this research, sharing level of knowledge having some features of public goods was assessed by requesting knowledge from scientists of public finance. In this regard, knowledge has been requested from 270 public finance academicians by e-mail and the results obtained have been evaluated according to instructor’s titles and scoring criteria. In the end of this research, knowledge sharing rate of the public finance scientists has been found 40 percent. In addition, it is seen that among teaching personnel, teaching assistants are the most willing and having the highest score to share knowledge while professors are least willing to share knowledge and having the lowest score. Following teaching assistants, the group most willing to share knowledge turns out to be research assistants, associate professors, assistant professors respectively.
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