Determination of Earthquake Damages in Historical Gaziantep Mosques
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Gaziantep, Earthquake, Historical BuildingsAbstract
On February 6, 2023, consecutive earthquakes measuring 7.7 and 7.6 occurred in Kahramanmaraş province, causing damage to many structures in Gaziantep. The historical structures in Gaziantep were built between the 12th and 20th centuries and all have traditional masonry stone wall structures. This study identified the earthquake damage to nine historical structures in Gaziantep and examined the effects of factors such as construction materials, construction date, and restoration work on the degree of damage. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the minarets had low earthquake resistance and contributed to the damage of the structures. Another important finding of this study is that structural features and construction materials play a crucial role in determining the measures necessary to protect the structures.
Preservation and restoration of historical structures are important not only for the preservation of cultural heritage, but also for tourism, education, and research. Therefore, it is essential to carry out the necessary work to protect and restore the historical structures damaged in the Kahramanmaraş earthquake. In these efforts, measures such as strengthening work and the use of appropriate construction materials should be taken into account while preserving the historical texture of the structures and considering resilience criteria. Restoration work should also be carried out in a manner that preserves the historical texture of the structures.
Preservation and restoration of historical structures are of great social and cultural importance. The findings of this study contribute to determining the measures necessary to combat earthquake damage to historical structures.
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