Evaluation of Barış Manço's Works in Terms of Communication Sociology

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Sociology of Communication, Works of Barış Manço, Turkish Folk Culture, Basic Values


Barış Manço, who includes Turkish culture and basic human values in his works, is one of the powerful and unforgettable artists of Turkish music. For this reason, Barış Manço's works, which created his works in line with Turkish Folk Culture, beliefs and values, constituted the research subject. The aim of this article is to examine the basic values in Barış Manço's works in terms of communication sociology. Document analysis method was used in data collection, and thematic content analysis method was used in data analysis. The results show that the values in Barış Manço's works are functional in terms of creating social identity, group belonging, transferring social norms and values, cultural globalization, gender and inequality. The results obtained show the functionality of musical works in terms of interpersonal and intercultural communication, and draw attention to the sociological importance of these works. It is thought that the research will contribute to the literature as it draws attention to the relations in the fields of music culture, folklore, communication and sociology.


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How to Cite

ERGÜL GÜVENDİ, N. (2023). Evaluation of Barış Manço’s Works in Terms of Communication Sociology. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 7(3), 635–641. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8356569


