Atıf Yılmaz Movies From The Perspective Of Feminist Theory In Cinema

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Cinema, Atıf Yılmaz, Feminism, Woman


Turkish cinema has produced films with the Yeşilçam style of production for many years. These types of films are primarily commercial films that aim to achieve success at the box office. With the start of television broadcasts in our country and the development of the video industry, there was a greater need for cinema. Despite the Turkish audience's desire to leave movie theaters and watch movies at home for a while, the interest in movies has not decreased in our country. It can be seen that the films shown in movie theaters, especially in the last twenty years, are mostly commercial films produced according to the wishes of the public. However, before this period, it is seen that directors in the field of cinema turned to different themes and made productions that said something other than commercial films, highlighted women's issues or told women's stories. Again, evaluating this period for Turkish cinema through Atıf Yılmaz's films and addressing it from the perspective of the director's work, which paved the way for films dealing with women's themes, will be important in terms of how women's issues are represented in Turkish cinema. It is possible to say that Atıf Yılmaz, who featured female characters in most of his films or tried to deal with women's issues, had a positive impact on the generation of directors who came after him in this sense.


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How to Cite

UĞUR, U., & UĞUR, İlkay. (2024). Atıf Yılmaz Movies From The Perspective Of Feminist Theory In Cinema. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 8(1), 210–221.


