A Research to Determine the Reasons of Quiet Quitting in Accommodation Businesses

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Quiet Quitting, Accommodation Businesses, Employees


The situation where employees take less responsibility in businesses, only fulfill the requirements of the job description and perform at a very low level for the business is referred to as quiet quitting. In accommodation businesses, which are more labor-intensive than other businesses, employees' tendency to quiet quitting can cause serious problems in businesses. In this context, the aim of the study is to reveal the reasons for quiet quitting and the possible effects of this situation on accommodation businesses. In addition, it offers some suggestions to prevent quiet quitting among employees in accommodation establishments. For this purpose, a national and international literature review was conducted. Accordingly, it has been determined that reasons such as lack of communication, lack of appreciation, low wages, limited career opportunities, and feeling of worthlessness lead employees to quiet quitting. It has been revealed that the quiet quitting of employees in accommodation businesses leaves the business behind its competitors, imposes additional costs on the business, and causes a decrease in service and product quality due to decreased productivity.



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How to Cite

AKIN, A., & ÇİÇEK, M. (2024). A Research to Determine the Reasons of Quiet Quitting in Accommodation Businesses. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 8(2), 171–178. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12511881


