OHS Solar Power Plant Installation

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Ges, Working at Height, Renewable Energy Resources


Before installing solar power plants, it is important to plan the project and take occupational health and safety measures to prevent accidents that may occur during the installation of the power plant. The dangers identified before the installation phase, the risks included in the concept of danger and the avoidance of the factors underlying these risks or reducing the inevitable events to the minimum risk level are directly proportional to the regulations applied. Occupational health and safety measures have adopted a proactive approach rather than a reactive approach based on experience and brought this approach to the fore. The aim of this study is to consider the occupational accident risks that may arise during the installation phase of solar power plants, to eliminate the risks, to bring them to an acceptable level and to give information about the precautions that can be taken. The solar power plant studied is Kırıkkale Tüpraş Solar Power Plant, an enterprise with an average energy production capacity of 12.59 Mw, and the hazards and risks involved in the operation were evaluated according to the Fınne-Kınney risk assessment method.


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How to Cite

POLAT, T., ARIOĞLU, H., ALTUNBULAK, M., POLAT, Öznur, BOZYER, M., ÇALIŞKAN, A., ELEMAN, T., EJDEROĞLU, H., KART, D., ÇALIŞKAN, S., & ELEMEĞİ, M. (2024). OHS Solar Power Plant Installation. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 8(2), 187–205. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12512156




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