Adorno’s Revelation of Hitler’s Hidden Headquarters in California: Mass Applications from the Culture Industry to Netflix and Disney
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Esthetics, Adorno, Culture Industry, Mass, NazismAbstract
One of the most significant theories of Adorno, one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century, the culture industry still maintains its vitality and validity today. Since 1960, the culture industry has not regressed structurally but has progressed further. This study mainly tackles the development, origin, and current impacts of Adorno's concept of the culture industry and the theoretical connections of these applications that developed and still exist in determining Nazi ideology. Today, the center of applications of the culture industry is America, and the media devices and mass productions here maintain a parallel existence with the societal massification, superficial entertainment, and totalitarian thought aimed by the Nazis and Goebbels. Still based in California and running their operation, social media productions, movies, TV series, music, Netflix, Disney, Universal, CNN, BBC, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram structurally constitute today's culture industry instruments.
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