Attitude Inventory Towards Cheating Behavior: A Scale Development Study
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Cheating Behavior, Inventory, Attitude, Form, Explanatory And Confirmatory Factor AnalyzeAbstract
The aim of this research is to develop a measurement tool with proven validity and reliability that can reveal individuals' attitudes towards cheating behavior. For this purpose, the "Attitude Inventory Towards Cheating Behavior" consists of three parallel forms and each form corresponds to an attitude (I Cheated, I Gave, I Witnessed). The study group consists of 411 adults randomly selected from high school, undergraduate and graduate education levels living in Turkey. In this research, which is a quantitative method, a simple descriptive design was carried out. Data analyze was done with the coordinated use of SPSS26 and AMOS24/26 versions. As a result, it is seen that a valid and reliable measurement tool has been prepared. In addition, the inventory is considered to be distinctive in that it has a suitable structure for multinomial logistic regression analyzes and that each form can be processed individually or collectively.
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