Current Situation, Problem and Solution Suggestions of Vocational and Technical Education in Secondary Education Institutions in 21st Century Turkey

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Vocational Education, Vocational Education Problems, Internship Education


The aim of this research is to identify the problems experienced and to offer solutions to these problems by revealing the current situation of vocational and technical education given at secondary education level. The universe of the research consists of postgraduate theses and scientific articles in the National Thesis Center and Google Academic databases. The systematic literature analysis design, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research and the obtained data was analyzed using both content and descriptive analysis techniques. The "Analysis Form" developed by the researcher was used to collect the data. Postgraduate thesis studies included in the analysis were obtained from the National Thesis Center database, and scientific articles were obtained from the Google Academic database. In line with the criteria within the scope of the research, a total of 13 postgraduate thesis studies and 17 scientific articles were reached. All of the 30 studies reached in total were included in the research. In the research, the names (titles) of the postgraduate thesis studies and scientific articles were not used directly, the thesis studies were expressed as T1, T2, T3…, and the scientific articles were coded as M1, M2, M3…. As a result of the research, in secondary education vocational and technical education institutions, it has been determined that student success is low, disciplinary problems are common in schools, there is a lack of workshops and laboratories, teaching materials are insufficient, students do not have goals for higher education institutions, guidance activities are not at the desired level, and there are negative perceptions and various problems related to vocational training in enterprises.


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How to Cite

ATEŞ, İbrahim, & ARSLAN, A. (2023). Current Situation, Problem and Solution Suggestions of Vocational and Technical Education in Secondary Education Institutions in 21st Century Turkey . ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 7(2), 243–266.


