Examining the Collaboration Competencies of Primary School Teachers’
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Primary School Teachers, Collaboration, SufficiencyAbstract
The behaviors of teachers who manage the teaching and learning process in schools where educational activities are carried out, the main purpose of which is desired behavior change, should be effective and harmonious. The aim of the study is to determine the collaborative working competencies of primary school teachers and to examine them according to the variables of gender, place of duty, seniority, age, education level, and doing their job willingly. The sample of the research consists of 135 primary school teachers working in primary schools in Haliliye and Karaköprü districts of Şanlıurfa. The research is a descriptive study in scanning model. “The Teachers' Collaboration Scale” developed by Arslan and Sünbül (2006) was used to collect the data of the study. SPSS program, frequency and percentage analysis, Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney U tests were used in the analysis of the data. As a result of the research, there was no difference between the competencies competencies of working together of the primary school teachers according to the variables of gender and place of duty, but a significant difference was found according to the variables of seniority, age, educational status and willingness to do the job. Based on the results of the research, suggestions that will contribute to the literature are included.
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