Treatment and Analysis of Art Branches in Social Studies Course

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Art, History, Literature, Social Studies


The social studies course, which contains many necessary contents in human life, contains many elements that can be exemplified from the point of view of the branches of art, especially in subjects that come into contact with historical science as content. In the study, it was thought that if the subjects in the field of history were directed to art branches and works of art as content, it would be very useful to gain behaviors such as interest in art and love of art in students. What is wanted to be done and analyzed is that the effects of art and works of art on the student can be tested by highlighting them according to the content of the subject being processed. In order to evaluate the opportunities offered by social studies course, to know, to recognize the literary works and works of art related to the subject we are processing, and to introduce them to the student, appropriate documents and resources have been provided. Elements from different branches of art such as a song, anthem, painting, miniature, engraving, sculpture, relief, poetry, novel, theater work, dances, folkloric elements, oratorios, motion pictures have been added to the course content. In the content of the course topics, sections related to works of art were highlighted and processed, and it was tried to analyze whether this situation attracted the attention of the students at first, and then what consequences it had on their achievements in the course with project assignments. The research group was randomly divided into two parts according to the distribution of project assignments, one group was given homework topics with art content, and the other was given subjects with normal curriculum content. The grades obtained by the two groups from the assignments were compared and analyzed.


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How to Cite

KURT, H. (2023). Treatment and Analysis of Art Branches in Social Studies Course. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 7(3), 772–797.


