The Effect of Wooden Floor Coverings in Offices on Users' Perceptual Evaluations
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Office, Flooring, Parquet, Color, DesignAbstract
This study focuses on determining the effects of two different laminate flooring (bamboo, walnut) used on the floors of private offices on the participants' perceptual evaluations of environmental factors. For this purpose, a questionnaire was applied to 188 participants to determine the effects of bamboo and walnut laminate flooring on environmental perception. As a result, it was found that the environmental factors of the office with dark walnut laminate flooring were perceived as more beautiful and attractive than the office with light bamboo laminate flooring, but the environmental factors of the office with bamboo laminate flooring were perceived as warmer, bright, spacious, spacious, friendly, harmonious, well-planned, large, free, simple, sparse and orderly than the office with walnut laminate flooring. In addition, it has been determined that architects and interior architects, women and 36-50 age group participants perceive the environmental factors of offices more negatively than other professions, men and 25-35 age group participants. For this reason, knowing the positive/negative effects that may occur during use is necessary before making a design decision.
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