The Relationship Between Technostress and Resistance to Change: A Research in the Aviation Sector

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  • Mustafa Altıntaş Pamukkale Üniversitesi



Technostress, Stress, Resistance to Change, Civil Aviation


Technology, which is becoming more and more important every day, brings the job descriptions, the way of doing business and the expectations of the members of the organizations to a different dimension. In this development process, businesses should organize their organizational structures in accordance with different business conditions and include the latest technology compatible applications and tools in their business processes. It is extremely important for the employees to adapt and internalize these changes in the organizational structures, as well as to keep up with these changes in their employees. Rapid changes in organizational structures and ways of doing business can create extreme anxiety and stress on employees due to lack of information, feeling of inadequacy, uncertainty, or overloading of information. This stress and anxiety raises the issue of resistance to change on employees. Negative effects caused by economic, sociological, psychological and rational reasons that change will create on employees can cause cognitive, behavioral and emotional reactions in individuals. In line with the technological developments, it is thought that the stress on the employees may be related to the resistance of the employees to change. The purpose of the study in this direction; to investigate the relationship between technology and resistance to change. In the scope of the research; As technostress scale by Tarafdar (2007) and by Türen (2015), the technostress scale was used. The three-dimensional change-resistance scale developed by Oreg (2006) was used as the scale of resistance to organizational change.


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How to Cite

Altıntaş, M. (2020). The Relationship Between Technostress and Resistance to Change: A Research in the Aviation Sector. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 4(2), 1–27.


