Determinations on the Adoption of the Concept of State and Management in Islam in Muslim Turkish States and Its Situation in the Ottoman Empire as Its Last Field of Application

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Anahtar Kelimeler:

İslâm Devleti- Yönetim Anlayışı- Müslüman Türk Devletleri- Osmanlı Devleti


One of the most important reasons that kept the Turkish States, which ruled on three continents for centuries, alive for so many years, was undoubtedly their acceptance of Islam. Turks follow the provisions of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad. They effectively implemented Muhammad's words and actions not only in their personal lives, but also at all levels of state administration, from bureaucracy to diplomacy. Thus, peace and justice were established on earth, and societies lived in peace for hundreds of years in the areas under the sovereignty of the Ottoman Empire, which is the strongest example of the Turkish-Islamic State concept. This is how the establishment of civilization took place. In this study, some determinations will be made about how the concepts of state and administrator are understood in Islam and how they were implemented in the Seljuk and Ottoman Empire.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

YAVUZ, H., & DEMİR , Y. (2023). Determinations on the Adoption of the Concept of State and Management in Islam in Muslim Turkish States and Its Situation in the Ottoman Empire as Its Last Field of Application. ISPEC Uluslararası Sosyal Ve Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi, 7(3), 833–849.


