Digitalization and Post-Digitalization in Sports

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  • Çağla SEVİNDİK Araştırma Görevlisi,, ORCİD: 0000-0002-8545-0558, İstanbul Okan Üniversitesi, Spor Yöneticiliği, İstanbul, Türkiye
  • Selçuk Bora ÇAVUŞOĞLU Doç. Dr.,, ORCİD: 0000-0003-4163-9655, İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa, Spor Yöneticiliği, İstanbul, Türkiye



Digitalization, Digitalization of Sports, Digital Transformation in Sports, Generation


Technology has a huge impact on rapid and radical changes in the development of itself in the 21st century. Advancements in economy and culture as well as in sports, deeply affect the expectations and perspectives of individuals. These shifts have enabled people born in different periods to have distinct personalities, perspectives and values. There is a very important factor to lead this development; digitalization. With the development of communication technologies and the changing generation, digital natives in terminological terms have contributed to the emergence of new platforms. With digitalization, the world of sports has gained different dynamics, and with the increase in computer environments and games, the transition from traditional sports to digital environments has started. The point that makes the difference in this new sports activity, where mental abilities are more prominent than physical effort, is the mindset during the game. It is necessary to interpret the relationship between sports and game sectors correctly and to examine how effective digitalization is in these two areas. The pupose of this study is to reveal the understanding of the sports that develop with digitalization in terms of generations. Document analysis technique was used for this research.

As a result of the analysis of the research, differences were observed in the habits of the generations in terms of social with the digitalization of society. The fact that generation z grew up in an environment with intense technological possibilities has led to a change in the way of playing games. Examples of digitalization and digital transformation have begun to come to life in many areas from new sports to sports organizations. Especially for people who want to stay away from the crowded environment during the pandemic process, the digital entry of events into homes has been the solution to maintain the original atmosphere.


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How to Cite

SEVİNDİK, Çağla, & ÇAVUŞOĞLU, S. B. (2021). Digitalization and Post-Digitalization in Sports. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 5(2), 72–81.


