A Case From a Positive Psychotherapy Perspective: Comorbidity

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Alcohol, Alcohol Addiction, Bipolar Disorder, Bipolar Type II


It is stated that addiction is a disorder that manifests itself with physical, cognitive and behavioral symptoms, which are characterized by the individual continuing to use the substance despite being harmed, having many unsuccessful attempts to quit, spending excessive time in accessing the substance he/she has used, and using the substance in increasing doses. It is known that alcohol use disorders and other psychiatric disorders are included in treatment programs with comorbidity. Bipolar disorder is one of the mood disorders comorbid with alcohol use disorders. Bipolar disorder, which is one of the mood disorders, is defined as a disorder that recurs with depressive or manic episodes and progresses with euthymic mood between attacks, without being subject to any order. In mania or hypomania attacks of bipolar patients, alcohol/substance abuse may occur as a symptom of their illness. However, some data also support that patients who were included in the treatment program with the diagnosis of alcohol/substance abuse were later diagnosed with Bipolar. It shows that this situation can occur as a symptom of mania / hypomania attacks of individuals, as well as to alleviate other symptoms of the disorder. Therefore, it is evaluated that patients turn to alcohol/substance use as a self-treatment method and develop addiction to the substances they use in the process, and the fact that they prefer sedatives in some cases supports this assessment. In this case study, it is aimed to evaluate the patient who was included in the treatment program with the diagnosis of alcohol dependence and was later diagnosed with Bipolar Type II. It is aimed to treat the patient with medical and Positive Psychotherapy applications during the treatment period.


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How to Cite

KARA, M. A., & KARAAZİZ, M. (2023). A Case From a Positive Psychotherapy Perspective: Comorbidity. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 7(3), 613–623. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8355882




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