Cognitive Behavior Therapy in OCPD and Anxiety Disorder: A Case Report

Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder, Anxiety, CBTAbstract
A 22-year-old male client who meets the diagnostic criteria for obsessive compulsive personality disorder of the diagnostic measures used in DSM 5 and has this diagnosis also has anxiety. This article describes the cognitive behavioral therapy process applied to the client. The client is extremely controlling and perfectionist. Thoughts of failure, fear of not being liked, being deceived are constantly passing through his mind, and there is a constant effort to get into the eyes of others. A person is in a strict thinking structure. He is so busy achieving perfection that he cannot stay in the flow. His head is constantly filled with excellent behaviors and thoughts that suit him. The person also mentioned that he has no free time, that he is preparing for the exam, that he works very regularly. From the moment he was diagnosed with the disease, he started therapy thinking that his life had never gone the way he wanted, his life had become difficult, which he was not satisfied with. Cognitive behavioral therapy method was applied to the client due to the separation and analysis of complex and rigid thoughts in the behavioral thoughts and cognitions of the person. It has been ensured that the cause of the anxieties he has experienced due to his illness and life has become more understandable in his thoughts and in his behavior, which he reflects, in his appearance
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