A Systematic Review On Post Bipolar Disorder And Bdt Therapy

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bipolar disorder, bipolar disorder cognitive behavioral therapy, bipolar I, Bipolar II


The aim of this review study is to examine the use of CBT therapy in individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder. In this study, systematic review method was used and no field study or any scale was used. Turkish Dec English language and English language studies are between the years 2010-2023. These studies consist of pilot studies and research articles. February May 2023 and May 2023 This review study was carried out in two phases. As a result of the literature review, 6 studies were considered. As a result of these 6 studies, it has been seen that CBT is an effective and widespread method used in co-diagnoses, as well as being a method that increases compliance with the treatment process and drug therapy, facilitates early diagnosis and intervention. It has been found that compliance with drug therapy increases after CBT therapy is applied in individuals experiencing bipolar disorder, accelerates early diagnosis and interventions, and reduces stress. For this reason, CBT therapy is an effective and widespread method for the treatment of bipolar disorder. The increase in research on bipolar disorder in the world and in our country will reduce the risk of late and incorrect diagnosis, as well as ensure that the level of knowledge of individuals receiving a diagnosis on this topic is high, and the treatment process of patients progresses faster and healthier. In this way, patients with this disorder adapt more easily in their work and social lives, communicate more healthily with other individuals, and allow them to manage the treatment process they experience in the best possible way without isolating themselves from other individuals.


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How to Cite

AYTAN, E., & KARAAZİZ, M. (2023). A Systematic Review On Post Bipolar Disorder And Bdt Therapy. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 7(4), 881–889. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10436089




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