A Systematic Review Of The Effect Of Positive Psychotherapy Depression Mood Disorder

Positive Psychotherapy, Therapy Effectiveness, Depression, literaturereview, Mood DisorderAbstract
The effect of Positive Psychotherapy, which is a therapy approach that has been used more actively in recent years, on the basis of different mental health is handled by various studies. Although the operation of Positive Psychotherapy in different mental states has been examined, no review has been found in using the field type that positive psychotherapy observed.The aim of this research is to examine the use of Positive Psychotherapy on depressed patients. In this study, a systematic review method was used and no field studies or scales were used. The studies in Turkish and English are between the years 2017-2021. The research includes adults over the age of 18. As a result of the scanning, 5 studies were discussed. The first study considered was with the relational screening method, while the other four studies were randomized controlled studies. As a result of 5 studies, Positive Psychotherapy applications were given to depression patients to a large extent effectively. It has been observed that Positive Psychotherapy sessions and practices cause a significant decrease in the negative symptoms in the biological, psychological and social areas of depressionpatients.
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