Examining Academic Flow Levels of High School Students According to Different Variables

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Flow, School Engagement, Self-efficacy, Self-regulation


This study aims to investigate the relationship between academic flow levels of high school students and academic self-efficacy, self-regulation and school engagement. 893 high school students participated in this survey study, which aims to determine the relationships between the predetermined variables. Flow Scale in the Academic Context (FSAC), Academic Self-efficacy Scale (ASES), Self-regulation Scale (SRS) and Utrecht School Engagement Scale (USES) were administered to the participants. The data obtained were analyzed using correlation coefficient calculations, independent sample t test and one-way variance analysis (ANOVA). The study revealed that academic flow, which is the dependent variable of the study, significantly correlates with academic self-efficacy, self-regulation and school engagement. It was also found that academic flow does not differ significantly according to gender while it significantly correlates with grade point average (GPA). This study deals with the concepts related to academic flow experiences of high school students. It is thought that the data obtained within the scope of the study allowed the authors to develop a road map that might encourage students to experience more flow in academic contexts.


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How to Cite

AKYOL, M. E., & KABASAKAL, H. Z. (2023). Examining Academic Flow Levels of High School Students According to Different Variables. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 7(2), 348–362. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7986534


