Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia): A Case Report

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Social Anxiety Disorder, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Social Phobia


In this case report, a 26-year-old female client with symptoms of social phobia (social anxiety disorder) was treated with cognitive behavioral therapy based on DSM-V diagnostic criteria. The client has difficulty in establishing communication and human relations, hesitant to meet a new person, talk, ask people something, does not want to enter unfamiliar environments, cannot say no to people. experiencing tremors. He stated that his complaints had clearly emerged in the last 1 year and that this situation had a negative impact on his business life, social life, academic life as he was still continuing his graduate education, and his whole life, and that he felt very uncomfortable and intensely worried about this situation. Considering the DSM-V diagnostic criteria, it is clear that the symptoms meet the diagnostic criteria for social phobia (social anxiety disorder). She stated that she could not overcome this situation she was in and she applied to a professional support to solve the problem. First, the client was given comprehensive information about what the disorder is, its clinical picture, treatment methods and the course of treatment, and psychoeducation about coping skills was given. Afterwards, psychoeducation was given by informing about what cognitive behavioral therapy is, what kind of therapy it is, how it will progress and what its content is. The sessions were held in a collaborative manner with the client. During the sessions, various cognitive and behavioral techniques that are considered appropriate for the client were used. As a result of the interventions, cognitive and behavioral changes and the positive effects of cognitive behavioral therapy on social phobia were observed throughout the therapy process.


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How to Cite

ÖĞÜTLÜ, B., & KARAAZİZ, M. (2023). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia): A Case Report. ISPEC International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 7(3), 659–669.




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